Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Today in Cybersmart we had to make a game were you had to make slides and make a Diagram where it explains how the games works and what slide you go to. I Learnt how Connect Slides And i Enjoyed finding Photos. What i found challenging was how to make the game.What was easy was the Writing.Next time i want to take it to the next level and step outside my Comfort Zone.😀😀

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Post card 😀😀

Today in Class we learnt about Photoshopping I learnt today that everything on the Internet is not true.I enjoyed taking the photo.What was challenging was that we had to write then click then write.What was easy was that we got to make a background.
Next time i want to add togs so it look more believable.

Friday, October 18, 2019


HI Welcome to my Blog if you are New Today in My Class we made Mihiś. We used a game called gamefroot to make our Mihi game.We had our Buddy Class to help us. I did enjoy making this Game and hope you also enjoy playing too. Oh and PLEASE COMMENT!!!☺☺

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Endeavour Art😀😊❤❤

In the Holidays  A replica of captain cooks Ship came to our wharf 
so we did art on his ship.  I dislike James cook because he killed 9 Maori's. His full name was James Cook. I think my ship turned out Good.We had a piece of paper and Drew his Endeavour I HOPE YOU ENJOY

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Hi today i finally got to put up my POWTOON. Well we had to take notes for our Inquiry. It took quite a long time to do my Powtoon i am very happy i got this done. I hope you ENJOY!!!:)

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

HI Zoe here For maths we have learnt about Decimals the decimal also has another name when it is used called Point. What i found challenging was i did not understand decimals it was really challenging until my maths teacher Mrs Poole put up Tenths Hundredth and Ones on the board. So now Decimals are quite easy to me Now. Oh and here are a few things i learnt.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


HI guys this is my speech from 2019. The reason i wrote this is because we are treating our planet bad but we can stop the bad the bad things that are happening to our planet by not littering and picking up rubbish but i hope you enjoy😊😊😊

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Wednesday, May 8, 2019

PUbLIc Vs PrIVatE ;)

We are learning about...

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Today a Man Came into our School to teach us how to throw a Poi (Horohopu). We all got put into teams we have 5 weeks with him at the end he will pick a team to face other schools. My team and I were very good we come first in the game I think that will have a very GOOD CHANCE

Monday, February 11, 2019

All About Me T- shirt

HI today i have posted a new post it is called all about me it toke me a very long time to make. It was nice to make and it was so cool t make it is amazing in the class with the bright colours. hope you found it cool.


Friday, February 8, 2019


On 7th of Feb we went to the art class with Mrs G who is the Art teacher. we did a famous painter
The things that made his paintings look different as that he put long necks and the portrait faces looked  like they wearing masks. He did not paint pupils in the eyes so they looked like they were looking inside.


 We did a All about me Gazette. We had to  write all about us. I had a donut boarder It took me 3 days to make my gazette and it took me 30 minutes to make my boarder they took me 3 days and 30 minutes to make them . It was loads of fun it was cool